You ever look at something and think, “Yeah, that’s hiding a terrible secret?” Tonight’s story is just that kind of event, a moment that made me shiver with fear when I saw a deadly contraption roaming the sidewalks and streets … Continue reading →

The post The ‘Bot first appeared on Craft: Exploring Creativity.

You ever look at something and think, “Yeah, that’s hiding a terrible secret?” Tonight’s story is just that kind of event, a moment that made me shiver with fear when I saw a deadly contraption roaming the sidewalks and streets of a local institute of higher education.

Enjoy this warm little celebration of the increasing mechanization of our daily lives. I’ll continue being the old curmudgeon in the corner, wondering why we have to replace people with machines and when it will end.

A professor in my graduate school was fond of saying that technology offered constraints and affordances meaning pluses and minuses in academese. Sometimes, all it affords is constraints, like it did for poor Karen.

Thanks to user Unfa for the soundtrack to tonight’s show.

The post The ‘Bot first appeared on Craft: Exploring Creativity.