Crackpot Cinema: Episode 24—“The Legend of the Lone Ranger” (1981) with President David Goodman

Don your black masks, bizarre blue jumpsuits, and faithful companions this week as THE PRESIDENT joins us to discuss the retro-stinko disaster, THE LEGEND OF THE LONE RANGER (1981)!

That’s right—Mike and Aaron are joined by DAVID GOODMAN, President of the Writers Guild West to suss out what went wrong (i.e., everything) with Hollywood’s nudnik nostalgia bore-bomb an inexplicably centered on the anti-charisma of one-and-done opposite-of-a-movie-star Klinton Spilsbury.

In addition, a sickly-looking horse plays Silver, Christopher Lloyd as Butch Canvendish inexplicably sports no mustache, the un-botchable “William Tell Overture” somehow gets repeatedly botched, and Andy Warhol weighs in on Klinton Spilsbury in the same manner he so memorably did Frankenstein and Dracula (i.e., awesomely).