Jeannie shares her expertise in digital experience evaluation with 5 sales-killing offenses even the best of us should look out for and tips to make good on them.
Digital experience offenses are still everywhere! Are you guilty? Umm… probably. It’s easy to say what you don’t like about another company’s digital experience, but what about your own? Because you know where everything is and how it’s all supposed to work, finding pain points in your own digital experience is not as straightforward as you may think.
So when customers are so close to making a purchase, your polished-up website or mobile app may be letting them down in those critical moments. Those would-be customers are dropping out over things that cause confusion, frustration, mistrust…even to the point of publicly hating on your brand!
Jeannie Walters has been conducting qualitative analyses on digital experiences since before they really became a “thing,” and now, she sees digital experiences make and break once-successful brands every day.
Jeannie's top 5 offenses are causing widespread cart abandonment and tossing qualified leads right out of sales funnels everywhere. However, you can find those pain points and turn them into opportunities.
Customers want to buy from you, but your digital experience may be giving up on them! Listen in for tips to save them from giving up on you.
Related Content 360Connext® post, Challenges of Understanding the Customer Journey End-to-End
Customers That Stick® post, Turn Your Customer Experience Inside Out
Episode 264: (Tip) Mobile Potential
Episode 227: (Tip) Majoring In the CX Minors
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Jeannie shares her expertise in digital experience evaluation with 5 sales-killing offenses even the best of us should look out for and tips to make good on them.

Digital experience offenses are still everywhere! Are you guilty?

Umm… probably. It’s easy to say what you don’t like about another company’s digital experience, but what about your own? Because you know where everything is and how it’s all supposed to work, finding pain points in your own digital experience is not as straightforward as you may think.

So when customers are so close to making a purchase, your polished-up website or mobile app may be letting them down in those critical moments. Those would-be customers are dropping out over things that cause confusion, frustration, mistrust…even to the point of publicly hating on your brand!

Jeannie Walters has been conducting qualitative analyses on digital experiences since before they really became a “thing,” and now, she sees digital experiences make and break once-successful brands every day.

Jeannie's top 5 offenses are causing widespread cart abandonment and tossing qualified leads right out of sales funnels everywhere. However, you can find those pain points and turn them into opportunities.

Customers want to buy from you, but your digital experience may be giving up on them! Listen in for tips to save them from giving up on you.

Related Content 360Connext® post, Challenges of Understanding the Customer Journey End-to-End Customers That Stick® post, Turn Your Customer Experience Inside Out Episode 264: (Tip) Mobile Potential Episode 227: (Tip) Majoring In the CX Minors We're on C-Suite Radio! Check it out for more great podcasts

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Give your team the customer service training they deserve

Want to bring game-changing customer service training to your team? CTS Service Solutions offers a half-day in-person workshop designed to motivate and educate your customer-facing team members. Using energy, excitement, and interaction, our workshop helps frontline teams embrace a customer-centric outlook, then — using the principles from our book Be Your Customer’s Hero — gives them the skills and confidence they need to handle any service interaction. Don’t leave your frontline team hanging… Give them the training they deserve. Learn more at, that is


Take care of yourself and take care of your customers.

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