Today we explore proactive ways to tell when you’re losing a customer. Can you recognize the warning signs?
Losing a customer: It doesn’t have to be this way! You’re lucky if customers explain why they’ve left you. That feedback can save future customers from jumping ship! But while you read this, there’s a good chance you’re in the process of losing a customer. Now is your chance to throw out a lifeline and keep them on board.
Retaining individual customers can be very tricky, especially when they’re not directly sending you distress signals. And in many cases, processes and technology designed to help manage customer relationships actually hide critical warning signs.
So how can you get ahead of this? Those warning signs may be subtle, but if you know how to look for them, it can be painfully obvious when the relationship is in peril.
In this episode, Adam and Jeannie share real-life examples and different ways customer relationships could have been saved, had the right proactive measures been taken.
Don’t wait for that exit survey! Listen in to save those relationships before it’s to late.
Related Content Customers That Stick® post, The Importance of Listening in Customer Service
360Connext® post, How Micromapping can Save Your Business
Episode 085: Proactive Customer Service and Worst-Case Preparation
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Give your team the customer service training they deserve Want to bring game-changing customer service training to your team? CTS Service Solutions offers a half-day in-person workshop designed to motivate and educate your customer-facing team members. Using energy, excitement, and interaction, our workshop helps frontline teams embrace a customer-centric outlook, then — using the principles from our book Be Your Customer’s Hero — gives them the skills and confidence they need to handle any service interaction. Don’t leave your frontline team hanging… Give them the training they deserve. Learn more at
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Today we explore proactive ways to tell when you’re losing a customer. Can you recognize the warning signs?

Losing a customer: It doesn’t have to be this way!

You’re lucky if customers explain why they’ve left you. That feedback can save future customers from jumping ship! But while you read this, there’s a good chance you’re in the process of losing a customer. Now is your chance to throw out a lifeline and keep them on board.

Retaining individual customers can be very tricky, especially when they’re not directly sending you distress signals. And in many cases, processes and technology designed to help manage customer relationships actually hide critical warning signs.

So how can you get ahead of this? Those warning signs may be subtle, but if you know how to look for them, it can be painfully obvious when the relationship is in peril.

In this episode, Adam and Jeannie share real-life examples and different ways customer relationships could have been saved, had the right proactive measures been taken.

Don’t wait for that exit survey! Listen in to save those relationships before it’s to late.

Related Content Customers That Stick® post, The Importance of Listening in Customer Service 360Connext® post, How Micromapping can Save Your Business Episode 085: Proactive Customer Service and Worst-Case Preparation Sponsor message:

Give your team the customer service training they deserve

Want to bring game-changing customer service training to your team? CTS Service Solutions offers a half-day in-person workshop designed to motivate and educate your customer-facing team members. Using energy, excitement, and interaction, our workshop helps frontline teams embrace a customer-centric outlook, then — using the principles from our book Be Your Customer’s Hero — gives them the skills and confidence they need to handle any service interaction. Don’t leave your frontline team hanging… Give them the training they deserve. Learn more at


Take care of yourself and take care of your customers.


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