CPR's Clubhouse (Turn Up The Heat 11.22)
Mr. Exclusive, CPR Jose Ortiz returns with new Freestyle Mixes from Rockell "Turn Up The Heat" and Taina "11.22", both remixed by J. Alams for Six Centz Records. Available May 22, 12018 on your favorite digital distribution sitesCPR's Top 10 Countdown returns with a new song at number one, a re-addition to the the countdown and music from George Lamond, Stevie B, E'dee, Sito featuring Denisha, Susan Santiago, Quadlibet, A Lisa B, Charlie Babie, Rolando Montalvo, Luis Marte and much moreComing Soon, WCPRFM Playing Freestyle 24/7/365Hosted by CPR Jose Ortiz  CPR's Clubhouse is now available on Itunes PodcastsTuneIn Radio AppGoogle Play Music (Podcasts)CPR's Clubhouse is now available on iHeartRADIO CLICK HERE TO GO TO iHeartRADIO