- Dallas #Cowboys Wide Receiver Brice Butler joins Bobby and CowboysHQ writer Jordan Ross for a conversation about football, music, and which teammate is the best rapper.

- Where will the Cowboys find pass rush help? Bobby and Jordan share their thoughts on the free agent market and who the Cowboys might be eyeing in the draft.

- CowboysHQ.com's Mike Fisher stops by and shares all the inside info from Valley Ranch about Dallas' free agency strategy.

You can follow all of us on Twitter...

Bobby - twitter.com/SportsByDallas
Mike - twitter.com/FishSports
Brice - twitter.com/Brice_Butler
Jordan - twitter.com/CHQ_Jordan

Also be sure to follow CowboysHQ over at www.CowboysHQ.com

Dallas #Cowboys Wide Receiver Brice Butler joins Bobby and CowboysHQ writer Jordan Ross for a conversation about football, music, and which teammate is the best rapper.

Where will the Cowboys find pass rush help? Bobby and Jordan share their thoughts on the free agent market and who the Cowboys might be eyeing in the draft.

CowboysHQ.com's Mike Fisher stops by and shares all the inside info from Valley Ranch about Dallas' free agency strategy.

You can follow all of us on Twitter...

Bobby - twitter.com/SportsByDallas
Mike - twitter.com/FishSports
Brice - twitter.com/BriceButler
Jordan - twitter.com/CHQJordan

Also be sure to follow CowboysHQ over at www.CowboysHQ.com

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