Next Episode: The New Covenant

We take a look at the importance of getting this right and comprehending this small window of opportunity that we have to keep each other safe, save lives and to indeed protect our NHS.

Right now we are in phase two of the pandemic and here we are seeing ongoing decreases in our country in terms of reported covid deaths and yet the cases are still lingering with around 457 people in hospital just last night, due to the virus alone.

Realistically - we are in the height of what should be an entirely epidemic free time due to weather, immunity and the measures as set.

This some might say ~ worryingly, is not the case and ‘case’ being the operative word. We still have cases ongoing in a time where really we would hope to have been completely out of this to have some sort of possible attempt at preventing a second wave come Autumn/ Winter.

Essentially here we look at legislation to deliver authentically with regards to protection of health, wellbeing and saving of lives and in particular - guidance in these times, where the most vulnerable seem to have been almost forgotten.

This must be addressed for order, health and safety.