In The Great British Design Challenge we discover what leading Workspace designers, TV and film makers, innovators and design researchers identify as the problems that society most needs solving, and what the potential long-term impacts might be if left unresolved.

We explore the design of society from a different perspective to that of the SAGE group (or Independent SAGE) by questioning what key factors to address to help Britain move forward.

[1 Min]  Introductions to session two of The Great British Design Challenge - Work & Play (part 1).

[2 Mins] Welcome to (and backgrounds of) Kursty Groves, Mat Hunter, Will Knight, Greg Boardman, Clare Hester, Heather McQuaid

[7 Mins] Returning to work: The impossible jigsaw or a simple fix?

[10 Mins] Phases in coming back to work: Beyond cultural presentee-ism to looking after one another.

[12 Mins] Levelling the playing field when at home: Will it last? vs Zoom fatigue.

[13 Mins] Live action television shows need us to go back to work. But there are big issues of lack of insurance cover.

[15 Mins] Circular saws and lathes: The bigger ergonomic picture to get insurers to cover us. The framework of Health and SafetyBeing Covid Secure, but its peoples choice and take responsibility for their own choice.

[20 Mins] Knowledge workers at home, R&D need the lab. Spanning digital to manufacturing varied needs.

[22 Mins] Operational Resilience - beyond the Government guidance.

[24 Mins] Distributed culture building: Standard Operating Procedures, Zoom meet up's and a little humour.

[28 Mins] Those that cannot work from home: Many people do not have these facilities. Why staying opening, or opening up is key.

[31 Mins] People now have to design the system that suits them, not just copies others.

[32 Mins] The worrying factor about limiting education for the kids that need nurturing.

[34 Mins] The need for this in work too. The oxytocin and mentoring, face to face. No real death of the office.

[36 Mins] Track, Trace and surveillance: what is acceptable? The Trust Index, trackers and other factors

[37 Mins] It's the future of cities and life, not just work. heavily ethical to its core.

[39 Mins] Let's be careful: Who stands to benefit most (Thinking The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff).

[41 Mins] Consumers are mostly ignorant to these insidious harms: Who is going to do what about it?

[43 Mins] Tech is always ahead of legislators - think electronic scooters, now Covid.

[45 Mins] The Ethnical Machete for the explorers.

[47 Mins] Good insightful strong leaders: Where are they?

[49 Mins] Track, trace: Easily misunderstood, and just more schisms?

[51 Mins] The tech company see the lo-fi as ineffective. But Track and Trace by older battle hardened methods proven vs NHS X

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