Previous Episode: Edmonton's Pedal Poll

If you’ve ever been to a vibrant city core, where you can walk along streets, glance in shop windows, stop to get food or drinks or library books you put on hold along the way, then wind up with a quick cool down by wading in a pool, wait no longer, this could happen in your city! 

Edmonton’s city council is considering turning part of 102nd Avenue downtown into a pedestrian-focused corridor. Sadly, the current plan is to eventually reopen one lane to eastbound vehicle traffic. But a new report in front of council suggests that a pedestrianized corridor run from 99th Street to 103rd Street, creating a pedestrian space piggybacking off of the closure of 102 Avenue from when the Valley Line LRT was constructed. 

Changing the space to one slated for pedestrians adheres to city policy, and creates a vital, safe place for all manners of citizens to do active transportation.