Every year, Mental Health Awareness week represents an opportunity for us all to recognise the importance of our mental wellbeing. This year, the social isolation imposed on many of us by the COVID-19 pandemic has made it more important than ever to look after ourselves and those around us. And this worrying trend hasn’t gone unnoticed by business leaders. Our recent CEO Survey found that 61% of CEOs are worried about the declining wellbeing of their people.

Host Emily Khan is joined in our virtual studio by Poppy Jaman and Ben Higgin to discuss this important issue. Poppy is CEO of the City Mental Health Alliance (CMHA), and Ben is a PwC UK Executive Board Member with responsibility for Technology and Investments, and one of PwC's Mental Health Advocates.

To find out more about the CMHA, visit their website: https://citymha.org.uk/

The CMHA Global Thriving at Work framework is a useful resource to help you accelerate the pace of change and measure your progress: https://citymha.org.uk/docs///CMHA-Global-Thriving-at-Work-Framework--FINAL.pdf

The CMHA Race Toolkit contains practical advice on supporting the mental health of people who are Black or from a minority ethnic background: https://citymha.org.uk/docs///CMHA-Mental-Health-Race-Toolkit.pdf