Synopsis: Literary agent apprentice Meg LaTorre-Snyder discusses her role at Corvisiero Literary Agency and answers listener questions about the querying process. Should you personalize a query? Should writers worry about chasing trends? What should authors know when signing with an agent? How long should a “revise and resubmit” take to complete? Meg answers these questions and many more to help aspiring authors polish their manuscripts, brave the query trenches, and ultimately gain representation.

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Duration: 54:42

Present: Harry C. Marks, Meg LaTorre-Snyder

The Guest Meg LaTorre-Snyder – Editor. Writer. BookTuber. Word Nerd. Twitter iWriterly – YouTube Meg LaTorre-Snyder – Corvisiero Literary Agency Videos and Writing Resources Discussed How to Get Traditionally Published – YouTube How to Outline Your Novel | Part 1 – YouTube How to Outline Your Novel | Part 2 – YouTube S2E4 – Jessica Sinsheimer, Literary Agent and Manuscript Wishlist Founder – COVERED Workaholics writers room white board of clichés

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Download: Episode S4E6: Meg LaTorre-Snyder, Literary Agent Apprentice at Corvisiero Literary Agency

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