Synopsis: Charlie Lovett’s The Lost Book of the Grail is a story about Arthurian legend, the Holy Grail, medieval architecture and manuscripts, and questions of faith. Lovett talks about all of this, as well as his drafting process, how he’s able to keep track of hundreds of years worth of research, and his constant battle between digital and analog.

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Duration: 55:29

Present: Harry C. Marks, Charlie Lovett

The Guest Website Twitter Charlie’s Books The Lost Book of the Grail The Bookman’s Tale: A Novel of Obsession The Further Adventures of Ebenezer Scrooge: A Christmas Carol Continued Books Discussed The Chronicles of Barsetshire by Anthony Trollope The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis The Museum of You by Carys Bray The Grownup: A Story by the Author of Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn Miscellaneous S3 E3 – Carys Bray, THE MUSEUM OF YOU Follow your host and the show on Twitter @HCMarks @COVERED_fm @HologramRadio for more podcasts to listen to! Subscribe to Covered! Get Covered on iTunes, or via RSS. Support the show!

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Download: Episode S3E12: Charlie Lovett, THE LOST BOOK OF THE GRAIL

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