Mercy Health serves communities in Ohio and Kentucky, two of the top five states for overdose rates in the nation. And last year was the worst on record for opioid overdose deaths in Hamilton County, where Mercy Health is headquartered. But the tide may be turning.

When it became clear that treating, stabilizing and releasing overdose victims who came to their ED wasn’t working, Mercy Health decided to make some wholesale changes to their approach to addressing addiction as a healthcare provider and they’re beginning to see the payoff. In this podcast, Greg talks with leaders from Mercy Health to learn about their new approach to helping those struggling with substance use disorder through a program they rolled out system-wide by the name of the Mercy Health Addiction Treatment Collaborative.

Joining Greg on this podcast are Dr. Navdeep Kang, Mercy Health Director of Operations for Behavioral Health Services in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dr. Larry Graham, President of Behavioral Health at Mercy Health and the co-founder and CEO of Cincinnati-based, Raj Gupta. Tune in to learn how the Mercy Health Addiction Treatment Collaborative program provides treatment-on-demand through a coordinated network of providers.