Recorded last summer (when the name of this podcast was still the original Frau Amy's World), this is the first of two episodes celebrating four years this month since I started life coach training and met my friend Kaliopi Nikitas, who is completely and honestly one-of-a-kind.

Kaliopi says this about herself:

Nature lover. Scientist. Introvert. Artist.

Perpetual seeker of awe & inspiration.

Living with a chronic illness for over 8 years has forced me to dramatically alter my way of life. Whether I've wanted to or not, I've had to slow down and live in alignment with my body's needs.

Fun Facts:

I have a toy poodle, Lucy, that goes everywhere with me (and sometimes stars in my YouTube videos).I am a huge bird nerd and carry binoculars with me all the time.I learned to draw at the age of 42 by taking drawing classes. (Who'd have thought?!)I love sketching & doodling so much I always carry a mini sketchbook with me wherever I go.

Kaliopi's Website

FB Group: From Overwhelm to Awe



Membership Site Coming Soon: 

From Overwhelm to Awe: Slowing Down in a Fast World
