Welcome to the new direction for this podcast, Life, Immersed. We're STILL going to talk about all things personal development, emotional intelligence, professional growth AND immersive theater and experience adventures. What's NEW? We're going to talk about my open road travel adventures and what I learn about me, the world,  and people. We’re going to get deep into what’s possible when we slow down and allow. Release resistance to our own growth and wellness. Stop trying to rush and force things to happen. 
We're going to see what's possible hen we learn how to get quiet and listen to ourselves, and start to start to trust our own voice..
We're ALSO going to have Interviews with immersive experience creators, and people who are making an impact in the world through the kind of deep work we do on the show.
In this pivot episode, I'm going to share my road trip to Marfa, what I learned and how slowing down to listen is the best gift you can give yourself!