People who experience traumas, fight the feeling of abandonment, struggle to see their worth or their value will often settle for less without recognizing it.

You may find yourself in toxic relationships, constantly wrapped up in the drama, tolerating things you don't feel comfortable with, or taking abuse while never questioning it since it feels like home.

But when someone who has healed or have grown up in a loving home point it out for you, you begin to realize that not everything you are allowing is actually okay.

In today's podcast episode, I'll share with you how to start recognizing the things you tolerate, stop making excuses for people's behavior, and set healthy boundaries with yourself and others.

There are three steps you can start taking today to learn how to stand up for yourself "AKA" honor your boundaries.

Step #1 The word "I" isn't selfish. Although I believe that we all are on this Earth to serve someone or something, we can do it the best while exercising our boundaries without fear.
Saying "I don't feel comfortable with it' or "I don't feel okay with it" is a good enough reason not to do or tolerate what's uncomfortable.

Step #2 You want to use some of your most powerful internal resources, and that's taking responsibility for your life. Being responsible gives you the power and heals you at the same time.

Step #3 Set your boundaries by asking yourself two important questions: "How comfortable am I with it?" and "Is this what I want?"

Once you know the answer to these questions, it's your responsibility to communicate it to others and hold them responsible if they cross them.
Standing up for yourself means creating boundaries with people and hold them accountable to them.