In This Episode:

[01:42] Guest introduction.

[05:38] Hiring a brewer.

[08:35] The growth of her business.

[13:28] Competition.

[15:12] Staying relevant.

[24:37] Planning and Innovation.

[30:53] A small business in a small town.

[38:14] The biggest challenge that the business  had to overcome.

[42:24] Changes in the industry.

[44:26] Succession planning.

[51:38] Her advice if you want to start your own business.

Important Quotes:

" You have to make things that are going to sell or else you don't get to make things you want to make."

"I will be a life long learner."

"Get closer to customers."

"Tenacity is the most important trait you can have  as an entrepreneur."