In This Episode:

[2:56] The biggest barriers you're faced with.

[4:46] Pushing through obstacles to take advantage of opportunities.

[6:19] What drove April to go home to farm?

[8:33] What kept April encouraged despite resistance?

[9:46] Are you looking for your passion?

[13:29] April's husband's interaction with the farm.

[14:56] The hardest lesson April has had to learn.

[17:15] Are the new leaders on a faster path?

[18:30] Reaching out to others for guidance.

[21:36] Do you want to expand beyond your career to serving others and your community?

[25:45] April's passion projects.

[32:23] How to put your ideas into motion.

[37:02] Making the big leap into something new.

Important Quotes:

"You have a voice that's important."

"If you talk the talk, people get it."

"Once you identify your passion, it's not that hard."

"I didn't have to just say it, I had to prove it."

"Never give up on your dreams."

"If it's something you love doing, go with it."

"If you see leadership possibilities in someone, go for it."

"Start small, work big."

"There are businesses that really need you."

"The only person you need to make happy is yourself."