Are you wanting to build and sustain an engaged audience? An audience that knows, likes and trusts you? Are you a creator, blogger, author, artist or podcaster? Pay attention to what Jeff Goins has to say. 

Goins has been blogging for over 14 years. It wasn't until 10 years into his journey as a blogger that he finally started to experience the kind of success and recognition any creative person would be looking for. And when it happened, it happened fast! 

With an audience of 10's of thousands of readers, an author of 5 books - including THE ART OF WORK and REAL ARTISTS DON'T STARVE - Jeff has become an authority on helping other creatives, like him, find breakthrough success in their craft. 

I was deeply impacted by our conversation and I hope you will have important takeaways as well. 

Learn more about Jeff at