During a period of the Great Resignation, how do you truly assess the capabilities and potential risk for any new hire? How do you identify the right candidate for your organizational mission and vision, knowing the investment of onboarding? During the search process, disrupt your process and utilize a tool I have created called the Capabilities & Risk Assessment Tool, built on several criteria:
Leadership Strengths - competencies and skills are clearly identified and developed in many areas with demonstrated success and high performance in prior experiences
Leadership Potential - competencies and sills are not full developed yet but perceived through curiosity, grit, insight, and/or engagement where coaching could close the gap between potential and leadership competencies needed
Areas for Growth - competences are not fully developed, training is insufficient, and/or demonstrated experience remains a weakness
Gaps - competences and skills are absent or not clearly defined

Once you have analyzed your findings, risks, and capabilities for each candidate, your team should complete a feedback protocol of wonders, opportunities for impact, disrupt us, and what else. For more information, listen to the full podcast episode and start making an impact today.

Music by Ahoami