Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan

Episode 8 - Truth Is The New Hate Speech

March 26, 2017


'Truth Is The New Hate Speech' is the title for Episode 8 of Counter Culture in which I discuss recent efforts by governments and corporations to identify and persecute 'hate speech' and 'offensive content'.  I am able to prove the hypocrisy of these motivations by showing how they ignore greater examples of hate speech, offensive content, and actual violence.  I ask who gets to define hate and offensiveness because if I do Madison Avenue and Hollywood are the greatest offenders.  Pornography and violent movies rarely get criticized but in fact promoted by those same governments and corporations in the position to censor and persecute.  I argue that the best solution is to simply protect free speech and live with the undesirable consequences of getting our feelings hurt for the sake of liberty.


Are you prepared?