May 1, 2017

Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan

Episode 10:  Why Lack of Principles Gave Us North Korea, Trump's Failure and Censorship

Episode 10 of Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan discusses the importance of having principles and how a lack of them gave us a many of our current crises.  Three generations of North Koreans living under an evil dictator isn't because the leadership lacks principles, its' because the oppressed people have not demonstrated they are willing to exercise upon any.  100 days into the new administration and we now have full proof Donald J. Trump is a failure of a president and poised to betray the Americans who voted him into power.  The recent purge of conservative voices is clearly a witch hunt from political opponents yet they were only allowed to do so due to a lack of principles on behalf of Bill O'Reilly, Alex Jones, Tohmi Lahren and Milo. 

Are you prepared?