After one month of level up raiding, Countdown puts BFD under the microscope to discuss fun, difficulty, raid size and lockout timers moving forward through SoD. After that, we sink our teeth into whether or not quests rewarding gold at cap is the right call, and then touch on classes, and finish up with a chat about premades in SoD.
Raid Logistics w/ Craig, Drew, HideousJohn, Porkrot Shagga, Sig, Spookay, SquirrelFarmer, Tareyak, Teedo, Ubiquitous, Wonder & Ziimm - 1:50Quest Gold at Cap - 1:18:50Phase 2 Rune Hopes - 2:24:10Experience Rates for Alts - 2:45:05Shaman - 3:04:00Priest - 3:10:10Rogue - 3:15:30Warlock - 3:28:50Mage - 3:33:45Paladin - 3:39:55Hunter - 3:46:10Druid - 3:50:40Warrior - 3:54:35Premades - 4:02:48
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