SPOILER ALERT!! The Phase 3 datamining has come in, and we're mixing it up on Countdown and discussing all the runes that may or may not be in the game so you're on full spoiler warnings if you don't want to hear that!!! First up though, we review phase two, and then dive in on a few of the classes and their datamined runes.
Phase 2 Review - 3:05Paladin Runes - 1:11:30Priest Runes - 1:48:50Rogue Runes - 2:20:30Shaman Runes - 2:51:35Warrior Runes - 3:23:15Buy Josh a beer & help keep Countdown on the airwaves over at Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/joshcorbett

Or if subscriptions aren't your thing, support Josh & Countdown by shouting him a one time beer here: https://ko-fi.com/countdowntoclassic

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Check out Josh's hilarious movie podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/show/469qUDnQHBkCogdjZyFUjb?si=jNgDTiEnSvKBbZuNz2xcxw