Blizzcon is just around the corner and Countdown To Classic has you covered for all the Blizzcon speculation and predictions that you can handle. Josh calls in three avid listeners, Palfuris, Viv, and Niel, for a group call to cover off on all angles of the event, being the fans who will be there in person, the fans watching at home via the virtual ticket, and those keeping an eye on things from within the gaming industry.  Listen in for a lot of analytical chat, and many a laugh along the way as we discover that Josh has no idea what beat boxing is! After that it's time for everybody's favourite segment, memory lane, and then Josh cleans up with an epic listener submission about why there was actually NO WAR going on in World Of Warcraft. Highlights Below: Calling Countdown - 3:20 Memory Lane - 1:47:40 Clean Up - 1:59:25 Show News + Shout Outs - 2:04:55   Pick up awesome Countdown To Classic show rewards @ Patreon: Or support the show with a tip @ Ko-Fi: Or simply show your support by leaving the show a review at iTunes or by telling a friend! Directly download here: Also listen @ Spotify here (Spotify takes a couple of hours to upload after posting, check back later if not there): Or @ iTunes (As above, can take a short while to upload after posting): Or @ Stitcher (As above, can take a short while to upload after posting): Send your Memory Lane stories, Anger Management rants or just say hello to Josh at [email protected] or get in touch on social media: Twitter: @count2classic FB/Insta/YouTube: @countdowntoclassic Add Countdown To Classic on Twitch: @CountdownToClassic And join the Countdown To Classic Discord here: