On the previous episode - One of the Obscura Cabal's taskmasters, Gomez; had been sent to kidnap Ryder's family, and Radar answered by opening fire with his rifle at point blank. War had been brought to the Maxim household, turning Roseburrough Avenue from a sleepy suburb into a scarred battlefield. As the bullets began to fly, Radar, Vee, Tabitha, Talesin and Dez the Thastertoad all played their part in defending the house from the Ysoki thugs. Vee barricaded the front door, forcing Gomez to take drastic action. She ordered the deployment a turret-mounted machinegun on top of the truck they arrived in and it opened fire on the house. Radar tried to distract the turret gunner by charging towards it across open ground with no cover ... with predictable results. After Mel calls the police, Gomez and her crew beat a hasty retreat, chased out of the neighboorhood by Vee and a gravely wounded Radar. But with first response en route and the bodyguards having a less-than-squeaky-clean record with the local authorities, they will now have to come up with a new defensive strategy on-the-fly, for how to protect Ryder's (deeply shaken) family.

Like what you hear? Cosmopunk is a comedy sci-fi-fantasy podcast set in Paizo’s Starfinder universe and releasing every two weeks! Subscribe to us on ITUNESSPOTIFYPODBEAN or wherever you listen to your podcasts!


Intro and Outro music :
Reformat - Vectrex (www.reformat.bandcamp.com)

Blood & Sand Theme :
A Desert Tale - OB-LIX (https://pixabay.com/music/adventure-a-desert-tale-ethnic-amp-fantasy-background-music-109862/)

Let's go inside :
Stillstand - Myuu

Broken home :
A Kind of Hope - Scott Buckley

Does Ryder ever talk about me? :
Keys of Moon - Illusions

The parcel :
Something in the Woods - Harrison King Music

So, here's the plan... :
Here's the plan - Abbie Emmons