Last time, Ryder made contact with the crew and revealed her plight. Radar and Vee eventually settle on a plan to protect Ryder's mother, Tabitha, and blame their presence (and Ryder's absence) on the Azlanti. But they'll need to be visible in order to action their plan - Bodyguard style! The crew headed to Akiton and were confronted with a world very different from how it looked in the brochure. As part of a city-wide demilitarization process, Arl's government is enforcing strict gun control laws and our heavily-armed mercenaries were immediately clocked by orbital border control. Radar and Vee quickly engineered dummy duplicates of the offending weaponry, shortly before Radar jumped into the runabout with the real guns and detached from the Laika-7 in high atmosphere. With Radar flying out into the deep desert, Vee lands in the capital city ... alone.

Like what you hear? Cosmopunk is a comedy sci-fi-fantasy podcast set in Paizo’s Starfinder universe and releasing every two weeks! Subscribe to us on ITUNESSPOTIFYPODBEAN or wherever you listen to your podcasts!


Intro and Outro music :
Reformat - Vectrex (

Blood & Sand Theme :
A Desert Tale - OB-LIX (

Radar's Reflection :
Sahara Sunrise - ArtSlop_Flodur