On the last episode - Radar and Vee had made it through Alrian border control with their weapons. They met up in the fake plastic suburbia where Ryder's mother and her partner live. The crew lied (awkwardly) about why Ryder was absent. She was dispatching members of the Azlanti Empire while Radar and Vee had been sent to act as bodyguards. And once this has all blown over, Ryder would meet up with the group. Sounds legit...? Tabitha was confused, but ultimately happy to meet up with her daughter's crew. Mel seems much more guarded about the heavily armed mercenaries taking up residence in her partner's home, but ultimately decides this is for her own protection. Radar also received an answering machine message from someone named Harry Beuler, asking what time Ryder is going to be back at work; which Radar found very suspicious. Regardless, the group settle down, enjoy a lovely spot of tea and Ryder puts her side of the plan into action. But it's only a matter of time now, before the gang realizes she's gone AWOL and retaliates...

Like what you hear? Cosmopunk is a comedy sci-fi-fantasy podcast set in Paizo’s Starfinder universe and releasing every two weeks! Subscribe to us on ITUNESSPOTIFYPODBEAN or wherever you listen to your podcasts!


Intro and Outro music :
Reformat - Vectrex (www.reformat.bandcamp.com)

Blood & Sand Theme :
A Desert Tale - OB-LIX (https://pixabay.com/music/adventure-a-desert-tale-ethnic-amp-fantasy-background-music-109862/)

Hivemarket on the horizon :
Desert Storm II - ArtSlop_Floudur (https://pixabay.com/music/world-desert-storm-ii-114904/)