Last time, Secretary Azdriah had tasked Radar and Ryder with destroying a stolen weather device. The device was onboard a damaged mercenary ship working for the Azlanti, known as the Fortune Limeri. Having tracked the ship down, the Laika-7 pounces with guns blazing and shoots the ship down on a small frozen planetoid with a ship refuelling depot. The crew decide to investigate the remains and after parking up alongside the crash site, Radar scopes out the ship hulk on foot. He finds it abandoned, with the weather device activated. Later, he learns that the device has gone into overdrive and is beginning to terraform the icy planetoid underneath it, melting the ice and exposing the crumbling nuclear waste silos that were hidden underground. Meanwhile, Ryder remains on the Laika-7 and is ambushed by the Fortune Limeri's former crew! She manages to get the drop on them, but as the radiation claxons start blaring, it seems everyone's day just got a whole lot worse...

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