Welcome back to Cosmic Lion Radio!!! In our Del-yest edition since last year we EXALT this years Delfest!!!! Welcome back the voice of Delfest Joe Craven!!!! Welcome Jim Lauderdale to the podcast! An amazing artist who I had the pleasure of interviewing with the wild and wonderful Craig Miller from Cumberland’s premier bluegrass band Grand Ole' Ditch. Then we check back in with Doug Schwab the President of the Delfest Foundation to understand the amazing impact Delfest has had on the local community.  This years edition is super special because digitalsoundboard.net has donated a bunch of amazing live recordings from the weekend to us so that we can provide you with the highest quality musical experience in this Delfest edition of Cosmic Lion Radio.  (Other music from livecheese.com and bt.etree.org)


 So come on over the tracks and enjoy this years Delfest edition!!



Download below