Welcome back music lovers to Cosmic Lion Radio #22.1 the Les Claypool edition featuring Toaster from Toasterland.com.  In our bassiest edition ever we feature Toaster the underground archivist/curator of Toasterland.com’s galleries of setlists and streaming audio spanning the length of Les Claypool’s career.  I asked him to pick out some weird and wild cuts for us from deep in the archives and he came back with so many amazing live Claypool moments that I had to split this episode into two parts.  The podcasts are in chronological order and part one goes from 1989-2005 and features Primus, The Frog Brigade, Holy Mackerel (super rare stuff) and more.  You are really gonna get deep into the corners of the Claypool archive and hear some truly amazing music as well as hear Toaster and I talk about the shows and what makes us love Claypool so much. 

            If you haven’t checked Toasterland.com out yet and you like Les Claypool then you are really missing out.  It is an amazing wealth of knowledge and music and I am so thankful that he does what he does.  It was great to have him on this special 2 part episode.  See ya’ next week for part 2!


As always if you want to be on Cosmic Lion Radio, have any ideas, or are in need of a creative mind email me at [email protected]