Serena Wright Taylor is a UFO researcher and an Intuitive Vedic Astrologer.

A former producer for BBC London, she’s currently on the Board of Directors of MUFON OC and Starworks USA.

Serena became interested in UFOs and Extra-Terrestrials from experiences during childhood in England and has traveled to Puerto Rico to research the extensive UFO and paranormal activity there.

She was initiated as a Brahmin, lived in temples for years and has extensively studied ancient Vedic texts with a concentration on the various Extra-Terrestrial species and and their ‘Vimana’ space ships mentioned in the texts.

Yes! the ancients had a name for spaceships - "Vimanas" which Serena has named her website after =

She’s an award winning Conference Producer - and is producing Conscious Life Expo, which is coming up in Los Angeles - Feb 21st - 24th - She’s Mc’ing the UFO panel featuring world-renowned Ufologists.

Book a Vedic Astrology Session with Serena here:

Check out the Conscious Life Expo here: