Carolyn Kaufman is an intuitive life coach and healer for light workers.

She leads groundbreaking seminars, assists thought leaders such as Dr. Emoto and works with parents shifting them out of the old parenting paradigms.

In this episode we discuss:

How to energetically survive a Pandemic.

Fear and control initiatives activating from behind the scenes.

Consciousness awakening interrupting this planned fear-based storyline.

Questions about the accuracy in the reported stats and numbers.

Health ramifications of forced isolation and living in fear.

How to get out of fear thinking and manifest a higher frequency.

How to create your own truth - even in a “pandemic."

The incredible effects of creating your own state-of-mind and testing your joy using the Joy Meter.

The changing of Earth’s vibration and how that’s affecting old paradigm thinking.

How to energetically protect yourself from fear or worry of contracting CV-19.

Is Elon Musk a savior or enemy of the people?

How to take advantage of the gift of extra time you’ve been given.

The importance of authenticity and how to clear your path towards it.

How to handle the phases of getting “Red Pilled.”

How to share “Red Pill” info and remain in high frequency simultaneously.

The current state of crumbling affairs that’s splitting us into 2 dimensions: 3D and 5D

How to not get stuck on the lower 3D dimension.

Carolyn Kaufman leads groups, coaches one-to-one and offers a free consultation on her website

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*For entertainment purposes only.