Ready to talk about dimension hopping? Getting in touch with our multi-dimensional fractals? We go there in this mind bending episode with the sweet little lady from Texas (wink wink).

Alexa Person is direct experiencer, author, lecturer and television host.

She was born “Awake” (knowing all of her past lives and off-planet home) and has struggled to live as a human knowing that she was born of the stars. She describes her experience with fractals, walk-ins and dimension hopping.

In this episode Carla asks Alexa about A.I., astral travel, energy clearing, Alexa's ET visitor (spoiler alert multiple-life partner), our purpose on Earth and the ascension technique she downloaded.

In The Zero Point book series, Alexa shares her very personal, sometimes painful, life story as a way of assisting others in their own awakening.

In the book she focuses on ET Contact, Near Death Experiences, Consciousness, Ascension, UFOs and her Galactic Star Family.

Her new Book “The Zero Point” is available where books are sold and you can find her on

Check out her new TV show "The Divine Matrix" with Alexa Person on Binge Networks (Amazon TV and more).