Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - In the midst of the worst fire season in BC’s history, Premier Ebby declared a state of Emergency last Friday. 

However there are no major fires in the Discovery Islands. The Village Bay Lake Fire, on Quadra Island, seems to have been brought under control in a single day.
Aside from that, the closest wildfires are in Phillips Arm and the Strathcona Provincial Park. 

Cortes Currents asked BC Wildfire Information Officer Kimberly Kelly for an update on local conditions and insight into what they mean.

KK: “I can tell you about the Strathcona Park fires. These are five known lightning-caused fires. Three of the wildfires are listed as under control. Two of the wildfires have merged, producing smoke that is highly visible from a wide area. That includes Campbell River, Courtney, Comox, and Gold River. This fire is in a high elevation and steep terrain.”

“The fire is being monitored, together with our partners in BC Parks. When a fire is being monitored, this means that the BC Wildfire Service is observing and analyzing the fire, but it is not immediately suppressed. The BC Wildfire Service recognizes fire as an essential ecological process supporting biodiversity and ecosystem resiliency.”

“It's been determined that natural fires that do not threaten safety or infrastructure should be allowed to burn as part of the natural process of the park until it is extinguished by rain or begins to threaten values. If that occurs, they will be actioned where it is safe to do so. Given the long term forecast and the drought conditions, some of these fires may continue to burn and produce smoke into the fall.”

CC: What’s happened with the Quadra Island fire? 

KK: The Quadra Island fire is listed as under control at 1.5 hectares. 

CC: That was pretty quick, at least it seemed pretty quick to me. 

KK” We have a very good initial attack success rate. That is our priority, particularly in areas where there are high values. That is life and safety of the public and property and critical infrastructure.” 

CC: The only other fire I'm aware of in our area is Philips Arm.

KK: “It is listed as 92 hectares and out of control, again, a naturally caused fire, lightning. This fire is located in very steep and dangerous terrain. No crews are currently assigned to this fire, as our field staff has determined that there's no workable objectives to assign to crews at this time. So access options are being evaluated.”