Roy L Hales/ COrtes Currents - Cortes Island has a new volunteer production company. According to their recent press release, Moon Dance Productions will pay travelling expenses, accommodation etc for bands coming to Cortes Island. They have already booked the Awakeneers for an Earth Day Contra Dance in Mansons Hall on Saturday, April 13th. A dance troupe will be coming on Tuesday, April 16th, and Elise LeBlanc with Sahara Jane on Saturday, April 27th.

“Music is soul food. Music is like air, we need it. Live music is  a great experience. It's a different kind of soul food, to get moving and to be present with these great artists. I think it's really great for us to hang out together  and have fun together. It's bonding as a community and I care about the people who live here. I like seeing them, I like going out and I like the opportunity to do this. I think it is important for the overall health of everyone. You gotta get out and shake your thing every now and then,” explained Cora Moret.

“I want to see regular live music in perpetuity. I want to see Cortes Island be on that list of venues when bands are touring. When someone's invited to come up to Quadra, I want them to know that Cortes is on that list too and to take that extra hop over and experience Cortes. Come join us too.”