Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - Regular water taxi trips between Lund and Cortes Bay are only one of services that the Access Point Marine Group is bringing to our area. They are transforming Finn Bay, a two minute walk north of Lund, into a hub for water transportation and tourism

The water taxi started making scheduled trips to Cortes Island last November, but went to charter service at the end of February because of low volumes.

Sue Bossley of Access Point Marine Transportation says regular service will resume in May.

“Our target is for that to open on the May long weekend,” she said. “We are going to be offering three runs to Cortes and back per day in the peak summer months, June 4th to September 5th. Starting in May, there will be a morning and late afternoon run on Mondays, Fridays and possibly Sundays.”

Access marine continues to offer day trips to the wharf on Savary Island and this year are adding hourly drop-offs at South Beach. This is Savary’s most popular beach, but up until this point tourists have had to hike across the island to reach it.

“Also groups or individuals can book charters at any time. We can take up to four people with their bikes on our smaller landing craft, and that's $200 an hour for the boat, but there's also an extra fuel surcharge of $50 an hour right now because of the fuel prices. We also have a larger landing craft that can be chartered for $300 an hour, and that can take up to eight people,” said Bossley.

They can drop people off at any ‘marine access only’ campgrounds in Desolation Sound.

“We also can drop people off at Sarah Point, which is the Sunshine Coast Trail drop off point. We've got fishing adventures in the Salish sea. We've got a new 44 seater boat and we're going to be taking people on Desolation Sound cruises to see the wildlife.”

The Access Point Marine Group has also developed a campground and two cabins for people to stay at Finn Bay.

While everyone is eating at the restaurant, the boat will be used for a Powell River Harbour tour. MOVED BELOW

They plan to offer a dinner and sunset cruise from Lund to the Seasider at Beach Gardens and back to Lund after dinner. During the time they are eating, the boat will also pick up folks at Beach Gardens and take them on a 90 minute Powell River Harbour Tour. Bossley said the details are still being fleshed out, but both tours ”will include a close up cruise by the famous hulks in Powell River. There are big concrete ships with a ton of history that are being used as a breakwater for that area. They're really cool. It's actually one of the top 10 things to do in Powell River.”

The harbour tour will be over by the time the group from Lund is ready to leave Beach Garden and the boat will return to pick them up