Roy L hales/ CKTZ News - Marine tourism operator Mike Moore is one of the most recent of what appears to be a steady stream of Cortes Island residents visiting Fairy Creek and the logging blockades.

He stopped there on July 4th, during a cruise around Vancouver Island.

Moore has not sailed on the west coast of the island since he left the Coast Guard, 25 years ago. He was shocked by the amount of clear cutting that has been carried out. There were no longer any deep green valleys until his boat passed the Broken Islands Group.

He proceeded to identify stands where logging protests are occurring, “Oh, that must be the Walbran, that must be the Carmanagh, then back to cutting everywhere. It was really educational to see that contrast. It really lends poignancy to why Fairy Creek and those old growth trees need to be protected, because there is so little of it left.”

In Duncan, Moore caught the ‘Community Action Bus’ to Fairy Creek.

After they reached Cowichan Lake, a truck flying ‘Forests feed our families” flags pulled out in front of this bus and slowed down to 30 kph. A ‘cat and mouse game’ ensued. The truck would immediately move to the centre of the road whenever the bus, or any of the other vehicles in the growing line-up of vehicles behind it, attempted to pass. So the bus periodically pulled over to let the rest of the traffic through. The truck waited, then resumed its intimidation tactics when the bus started driving again.

Moore was told this was the first time this had occurred.

“In those situations, it can be very difficult to remain calm and relaxed, and our bus driver did a very good job of that,” he observed.

They skipped a scheduled stop at a giant Sitka Spruce and so arrived at Fairy Creek ‘only a tiny bit late.’

(A Quadra Island resident was also on the bus, and CKTZ News received independent verification of the ‘cat and mouse’ episode.)

Moore was impressed by the size and orderliness of the camp. He walked 7 kilometres up a logging road to a place called Rivercamp and was told the protests and interactions with the police were taking place another 7 kilometres beyond that.

As a result of the wildfire danger during this hot, dry weather, the main camp moved into a gravel pit. No drugs, alcohol or fires are allowed.

Visitors are met by a welcoming committee, which explains the mission of the blockade. This is not just to save the old first growth cedars up high on the ridges.

“The blockade is about all first growth forest in BC needing to be saved for its genetic diversity, capacity to house ecosystems and sequester carbon. we’ve been at it a long time, we shouldn’t be cutting the principle in the bank account of forest reserve. We should be cutting the interest, the second growth and what we have reinvested into the forestry. It is time to stop first growth forestry,” Moore explained.

There is a First Nations presence at Fairy Creek. He observed cleansing ceremonies and Indigenous people talking about colonialism and their history.

Prior to his visit. Moore was concerned about reports that the Pacheedaht First Nation council and elected Chief did not want the protesters there.

He had also heard the hereditary Chief welcomed them.

This is Victor Peter, who many recognize as the Hereditary Chief of the Pacheedaht Nation.

Elder Bill Jones, who descends from this family and has become the protester’s spiritual leader, endorses Peter’s claim.

In a recent press release, he stated, “The Peter(s) family, as far as our oral history allows, has always been here. They are the governing authority and are responsible for this valley.”