Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - CEO Peter Wrinch emailed the following update from hollyhock:

The new restrictions threw a bit of a wrench in our plans for opening, so we have pushed our opening back to June 25th. 

We are really keen to welcome our staff and guests back to Hollyhock. We deeply support the public health measures of the Public Health Officer and every time there are new restrictions it is hard on our team both working and non-working (just like it is hard on everyone). We are really looking forward to welcoming people back when it is safe to do so. 

I am continually inspired by the resilience and innovation of our team. Despite not operating in a "normal" way since October 2019, our team is constantly looking for ways to streamline our business, create new opportunities for programming, and welcome people to the land. We also continue to have success with our online gatherings. Two weeks ago, we hosted over 170 Women Entrepreneurs online for Social Venture Institute Women.

All photos courtesy Hollyhock