Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - Three years ago, Area C received funding to develop an Integrated Community Plan (ICSP). COVID intervened and it wasn’t until last August that a 14 member advisory group was assembled. The resulting draft plan was presented at the Wednesday, January 11, meeting of the SRD’s Electoral Area’s Services Committee.

“It was a very quick process and, we really appreciate all the efforts that went into it. The task force was convened in August and by November the task force, the consultant and the SRD planner had come up with a draft proposal, which was then circulated to the community, and that draft was commented on by the community but subsequently, because there was a very short timeline, some amendments were made to the document that was subsequently published and what you're receiving today,” explained Lannie Keller, a Read Island resident and team member.

Back for further discussion

Nick Robinson, from Quadra Island, said, “We got back just over a hundred questionnaires and at that point the ICSP was amended without involvement of our community advisory group.”

Lannie Keller: “Our request is that you will look at the four small but significant changes that are requested and the task force is unanimous in making that recommendation.”

After close to 50 minutes of discussion, much of it after Robinson and Keller had left, Regional Director Robyn Mawhinney said the task force should have a chance to state their case.

“I really appreciate the thoughtfulness that the task force brought these four minor recommendations that they would be more comfortable seeing in the final document. And I would really like it if the task force could have a chance to discuss those alterations or suggestions with the consultant. How do I say that as a motion?” she said.

Chief Administrative Officer David Leitch replied, “It sounds like you would like to defer the comments from the delegation back to the task force and the consultant.”

“That’s right,” said Mawhinney.

At which point newly elected Chair Gerald Whalley asked, “Do we have a seconder?”

Director John Rice seconded the motion, which carried.

In the vote that followed, the committee agreed, “That the comments regarding the ICSP be referred back to the task force and consultant.”