Roy L Hales/Cortes Currents - The Strathcona Regional District is moving forward with adoption of a regional fire administration support service that would provide assistance to the various fire departments in the Regional District.

There was little discussion and no opposing votes at the May 10 SRD Board meeting.

Regional Director Gerald Whalley, of Area A, brought forward the motion that will make this immediate, rather than waiting for next years budget.

“I move option B that the regional fire administration sports service be established as part of the general administration service of the regional district,” he said.

Second” responded Regional Director John Rice of Area D.

“Second, Vonesch,” interjected Cortes Island’s Director.

Chairman Mark Baker noted that ‘Director Rice was quick on the draw,’ and thus is recorded in the minutes as the seconder of this motion.

Baker called the vote: “All in favor.”


“Seeing none, that motion is carried.”