Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - At their upcoming board May 26th Board meeting, the Strathcona Regional District will consider informing Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) that they are opposed to TELUS erecting Cell phone towers on Cortes Island.

They have already done this in regard to the proposed TELUS tower on Quadra Island because “the method of public engagement proposed by Telus did not meet what the SRD considers to be an acceptable standard.

In the May 19 SRD staff report, it says:

“The public engagement process in respect of the proposed Codes Island cell tower proposals is similar in that questions, comments and concerns would be managed on a one-on-one basis rather than through a broader, community-wide discussion managed by the Regional District.“

“Telus appears to be avoiding the standard process of seeking support from the local government before proceeding with finalization of its plans, the Board may wish to consider expressing its concerns to ISED regarding the lack of meaningful public consultation.”

Staff recommends that the SRD write a letter expressing their concerns to ISED and oppose any permission TELUS receives until the community has been properly consulted and supports the construction of the proposed cellular towers.

The SRD Board will vote ob this recommendation in two days.

Photo credit: proposed TELUS site in Whaletown, Cortes Island - courtesy TELUS