Roy L Hales/Cortes Currents- Alan Morrison of the Sunday Herald described Simon Kempston as ‘One of Scotland's very best singer-songwriters.’ Scottish Television said he is ‘a stunning Talent.’ Tom Robinson of BBC Radio 6 added, ‘Beautifully authentic guitar style & heartfelt vocals.’

Kempston will be performing in: Campbell River’s Spirit Square from noon to 1:15 on Tuesday, July 9th; Mansons Hall  on Cortes Island, at 7 PM on July 11; and in the Kameleon Cafe on Quadra Island, at 7 PM on Friday July 12th.

This is Simon Kemptson’s 9th Canadian tour and Cortes Currents caught up with him in Wells BC, where he was playing at the Sunset Theatre.  

"Listening audiences are the most important thing to me, an audience that's going to listen to you. I have a lot to say both in the songs and  with the music, but also I like to tell stories and give some context and background about the song. So  small art centers, churches, small theatres, house concerts: these are the type of ideal venues  for what I present," he explained.