Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - The Cortes Island Foundation is seeking a Project Manager to oversee development at the Village Commons, in downtown Mansons Landing. This is a two year position, expected to take about 24 hours a week and pays between $35 and $40 an hour.

“We at the Cortes Island Community Foundation are really excited to be able to offer a job and to attract someone into this awesome role as Project Manager for the Cortes Island Village Commons development,” explained Executive Director Manda Aufochs Gillespie (MAG).

“This job is going to entail two different aspects. One of which is filling the terms of BC government funding that we have for the Village Commons, helping to build some of the infrastructure needed for community gatherings and help fulfill the near term project potential of this place. The second part is to really have someone who is passionate about the potential of this place and the role that it could serve in the Cortes Island, community economy and social community.”