Roy L Hales/Cortes Currents - COVID has not had a negative impact on the SRD’s Electoral areas finances. The accounts carry a surplus forward every year, and 2020 is not an exception. SRD staff just released a preliminary surplus report for the electoral areas during 2020.

In the podcast above, Chief Administration officer David Leach explains this year’s $325,529 surplus for planning to Regional Director Jim Abram. While this is technically a surplus, it is right on budget and should not be spent.

There are areas where the electoral areas did save money because of work not done and services not performed, due to COVID.

Close to $75,000 was saved, compared to last year, for administration of the four electoral areas.

Most of the items for Cortes Island are on budget, and there are also several surpluses:
The Cortes Fire Department deferred implementing First Responder program until 2021 due to COVID
There was a $43,149 surplus for community parks.
close to $19,000 available for feasibility studies on Cortes was not spent
A $2,660 budget for heritage conservation, carried forward from 2019, remains unspent.

Gorge and Mansons Halls were recently given their annual stipend. For comparative purposes, it is interesting to note that this is a little more than half of the subsidy given to the Quadra Island Community Hall.

There were a number of unspent items in the Discovery Islands budget
More than $56,000 of the budget for parks remains unspent
Close to $42,000 of work on the Quathiaski Cove sewer was deferred
$20,000 allotted for feasibility studies was not used.
More than $7,000 of the Grants in Aid budget is still available
The Quadra Island Community Hall did not spend .