Roy L Hales/ CKTZ News - Phase three of BC’s restart plan starts today.

In Phase three
According to Dr Bonnie Henry, Masks are recommended in public indoor settings for people who are not yet fully vaccinated, but no longer mandatory.

You can go to restaurants, pubs and nightclubs – but are asked not to dance, or socialize between tables.

Sports and fitness exercises are permitted, but the number of spectators is limited. (Outdoors – 5,000 spectators or 50% capacity, whichever is greater; Indoors – 50 people or 50% capacity, whichever is greater)

While it may be premature to call North Vancouver Island COVID free, there have been no active cases reported since June 28th.

Island Health reported a single active case in the five days preceding this, but not which of the four Local Health Areas he or she lived.

Cases are regarded as active for 14 days.

Last night the BC Centre Disease Control released its Local Health Area map for the epi-week of June 20th to 26th. There were no cases reported in Greater Campbell River, the Comox Valley or any other Local Health Area in North Vancouver Island.

Photo credit: Dr Bonnie Henry courtesy Province of BC via Wikipedia (CC BY SA, 3.0 License)