Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - Despite the heavy snowfall Wednesday, at least 100 people are believed to have attended the open house for Rainbow Ridge affordable housing development in Mansons Hall.

 “We were really happy with the turnout considering the weather, the snow and the road conditions. We decided to go ahead with the event regardless because we had special guests including Ian Scott, who was coming all the way from Victoria. He's our development consultant and he was in Campbell River for other meetings. He made it to Cortes through the snow. The island roads were plowed and salted to help people, including me, get all the way from Squirrel Cove as well as the Klahoose drummers who made it to the event to help open up the presentation,” said Sandra Wood, Executive Director of the Cortes Community Housing Society.

“ We had an open house that went from three in the afternoon until six in the evening. We thought that would be a good time to get the parents who were picking up their kids from school, but even the school closed and had a snow day. I think a lot of people who walked lived in the Manson's landing area, and of course are interested to know what's going to happen in their neighborhood. The roads were actually really well plowed and salted, so there were more people out there than we thought. Many of them sat through the five o'clock presentation as well.”