Roy L Hales /Cortes Currents - All four new units at the Cortes Island Seniors Village are now occupied.

>>> Moving In

Axel Nagory was the first to move in. He arrived around December 20th and chose one of the corner units, looking out into the forest. The 650 square foot cottage was more than three times the size of the camper Nagory had been living in and possessed more up to date amenities. The faint aroma of fresh paint still lingered inside his new home.

“For me, this is the most perfect house that I can ever dream of,” exclaimed Axel.

He said that the new duplex beside the Cortes Medical Clinic was occupied and a woman is moving into the last of the new cottages.

>>> The Seniors Village

The four new units are all 650 square feet.

They share a central courtyard with six cottages that were built in 2008/09.

Downtown Mansons Landing is within easy walking distance.

Tenants will pay about $535 a month, but the specific amounts are adjusted to ensure that no one spends more than 30% of their income on rent.

>>> Financing

The Cortes Island Senior’s Society provided the land on which these units were built.

Around $100,000 was raised through donations and the provincial government granted another $400,000 through the Building BC program.

BC Housing provided about $1 million in construction financing and annual operating funds.

>>> More about Axel

Axel was the only resident visible when Cortes Currents arrived, on December 31st.

His girlfriend lived on Cortes Island in 1999, when Axel first paddled his kayak over from Lund.

He has been a well known Cortes personality for the past 21 years.

Photo credit: Axel Nagory in front of his new home - Roy L Hales photo