Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - On October 24th, more than 50% of North Island’s electorate chose Michele Babchuk to represent them in the Provincial Legislature. Though more than a month has passed, she has only just stepped down from her previous roles as a Campbell River councillor and Chair of the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) Board. Though yet to sit in parliament, she has been made the Deputy Government Whip and a member of the Appointment Orders Committee. I recently asked Michele what becoming our MLA is like.

She attended her last SRD Board meeting, as a director rather than Chair, on November 4th.

Last Monday, she attended her last meeting of the Campbell River City council.

“It has gone relatively smoothly. I think I have accomplished everything that I wanted to do with those organizations before I move on. The transition into the legislature is still ongoing and we’ll see what that looks like because the Premier is going to call the session back in order on December 7th,” said Babchuk.

She has not gone to Victoria yet and, thanks to COVID, may be be attending the next session virtually from her home in Campbell River.

“We haven’t seen the schedule for the schedule for next year, but with COVID, and the way the legislature is working on a hybrid model right now, we’ll see what the legislature is going to look like on December 7th,” said Babchuk.

Only a minimal number of people actually went to Victoria during the last session. Most meetings were on ZOOM.

Babchuk wants to visit the legislature, to ‘learn who’s who in the zoo,’ but does not intend to rent an apartment just yet. A hotel room will suffice for occasional visits. She can always find something more permanent accommodation should it become obvious it is needed.

She will have constituency offices in Campbell River and Port Hardy.