Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - The Liberals placed third in North Island- Powell River during the 2015 election. In 2019: they sank to fourth – just behind the Green party. While this is challenging, Michael Ballard, the new Chair of this riding’s Liberal Electoral District Association, has a larger vision. He says the keys to moving forward as a society, is bringing everyone to the table.

“ I originally got involved in politics because I could see that I could make change,”explained Ballard, an Operations Field Supervisor with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. He has worked with the NDP in the past, knocking on doors for both Claire Trevana and Rachel Blaney. He has also stood beside Elizabeth May, fighting for clean water.

“It’s not about parties. For me it’s about the kinds of policies that create enabling – more inclusive, more diverse – where people are more engaged, said Ballard.

He joined the Liberal party because they can bring about the kind of political policies that would be in our best interests.

Photo credit: screen shot from the DFO YouTube video Start your adventure – become a Fishery Officer!